Why I am experiencing “PDP Authentication Failure”?

If you're experiencing a "PDP Authentication Failure" when trying to install an eSIM, there could be a few potential causes:

  1. Incorrect APN Settings: Ensure the Access Point Name (APN) settings for your eSIM are correctly configured on your device. Incorrect or missing APN settings can lead to authentication failures.
  2. Invalid Data Plan: The eSIM data plan may have expired or run out of data, causing the authentication to fail. Check the validity and data allowance of your eSIM plan.
  3. Network Issues: Temporary network congestion or issues on the mobile operator's side can sometimes cause authentication failures.
  4. Software Glitches: Bugs or compatibility issues with the device's software or eSIM installation process can also contribute to PDP authentication failures.


To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Toggle Airplane Mode: Turn on Airplane mode for 10-15 seconds, then turn it off. This can help reset the network connection.
  2. Restart Device: Perform a full restart of your device, as this can sometimes resolve software-related issues.
  3. Reset Network Settings: Go to your device's settings, find the "Reset Network Settings" option, and reset the network configurations. This will not delete your eSIM but may resolve any incorrect settings.
  4. Check eSIM Settings: Ensure your eSIM is correctly installed and configured in your device's settings. If not, try reinstalling the eSIM profile.
  5. Contact Carrier: If the issue persists after trying the above steps, reach out to your mobile carrier or eSIM provider for further assistance, as they may need to investigate and resolve any network-related issues on their end.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can often resolve PDP authentication failures and successfully install and use your eSIM.

 If you require any other help, please contact our support team
