How to change my APN settings?

Your device's APN (Access Point Name) settings determine how it connects to the mobile data network. With certain NUesim eSIMs, you may need to configure these settings to access data services properly.


Finding the Correct APN Details

If APN customization is required for your eSIM, you can locate the necessary details on the eSIM installation page.

Simply navigate to "My eSIMs > Details > Install eSIM/Access Data" to find the APN information specific to your eSIM.

Follow the instructions on how to set up your APN:

On iOS:

1. Go to Settings on your device

2. Select Cellular/Mobile Data

3. Select your eSIM found under Cellular/Mobile Data Plans

4. Go to Cellular/Mobile Data Network

5. Type the new APN settings in the Cellular/Mobile Data APN field as written in the eSIM installation details (all lower case, all one word)

*globaldata is an example. Polite notice: Different eSIMs may require different types of APN. In case the APN is not available, it means that the eSIM's APN is automatically configured. 

6. You can leave the other fields blank  


On Android:

1. Go to Settings on your device

2. Go to the Network & Internet 

3. Go to Mobile Networks

4. Go to Access Point Names 5. Type the new APN settings as written in the eSIM installation details  (all lower case, all one word)

*globaldata is an example. The correct APN settings will be shared with you on the Install eSIM/Access Data page. 

6. You can leave the other fields blank.

Please contact customer services should you have any questions
