• Use app or web

    Logon to our website or Download our app to start browsing the eSIMS we have to offer

  • Select country

    Simply navigate to the country or region you are looking to travel to and select the eSIM that you want

  • Instant delivery

    No need to wait for the eSIM to be delivered, you will receive an instant email with an instant QR code install

  • Activate eSIM

    Choose when to activate your eSIM on holiday or when travelling for your package to start

What is nuesim?

Nuesim provides eSIMs for international travellers wanting to connect to data in their destinations without the need of fussing or expensive data plans! Easy to install and cheap

We cover the world over with 5g data plans, with great prices and reliable connections.

  • 150+ Countries

    We cover most international destinations! Don't worry we got you covered

  • Buy in advance

    You can buy our eSIMs in advance and activate it only when you are ready to fly!

  • Travel secure

    You will know you will get data in your holiday destinations. Letting you focus on enjoying your hols!

  • Easy to setup

    Nuesim has designed your install process to be as easy as possible. No headaches entering codes. Just a QR code